Masjid community members can access MOHID’s Online Membership Signup Form to sign up for memberships if the form is integrated on masjid’s website.

Step # 1: All Membership settings needs to be completed as the membership signup form will be displayed as per the defined settings. Please refer below help article in this regard.

Step # 2: The online membership signup form can be obtained from screen Settings > Website Integration. This form can be integrated to your masjid’s website.

Step # 3: Below is the workflow of the online membership signup form:

1.      On first step, member will provide member’s basic information. They can also add their spouse/children information on this step.

2.      On second step, member will select their membership related details such as duration, fee type etc.

3.      On third step, this screen will display all the entered information of previous two steps. Member can review the details and if any provided information has to be updated then member can click Back button available at the bottom of the same screen to go back to the step and make changes.

  • If ‘Admin's Approval Required for Online Membership Signup’ option is turned off in Settings > Membership > Membership Types screen, then member can process payment online at the time of membership signup. This request will not be forwarded to the admin for approval.
  • If ‘Admin's Approval Required for Online Membership Signup’ option is turned on in Settings > Membership > Membership Types screen, then admin will be notified about the membership signup request via email. This request will be listed on the MOHID Admin dashboard as well.


- Receipt will be generated and sent on provided email against the Membership fee payment

- Member will also receive the credentials to access Member portal after the payment is processed.

- Members can update the profile using their Member portal. Please refer How to update Family information on Member Portal

- The Member’s will become Active and Membership status will be Enrolled only after the membership dues are paid.

- If any administrative personnel has to be notified when new membership signup request is sent, then provide an email address for “Membership Admin Email” on Setting > Membership screen.

- For approval through admin dashboard, please go to MOHID Admin Dashboard > scroll down to the Pending Memberships section. All pending requests will be displayed. You can either Approve or Reject these requests.

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Workflow of Online Membership Signup Form

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